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CIOPS Unveils PeopleDoc - 100% Java-based Intranet Document Management System

Intranet-based system offers functional, simple and effective document management

August 5th, 1998

UK-based document management specialist, PeopleDoc, represented in Australia and New Zealand by CIOPS, has today unveiled what it claims is the most flexible, functional and innovative document management application currently available. According to the company, businesses may now store, manage and retrieve corporate information via the corporate intranet, using a future proof, fully Java-based business toolset, regardless of document format or network platform.

The application, also called PeopleDoc™, utilises leading edge internet and intranet technologies to deliver the most efficient, secure, simple to use, platform-neutral, integration-ready and future-proof intranet document management system on the market. Open industry standards, in both internal architecture and links to other applications, ensure that PeopleDoc™ offers businesses the flexibility of widespread deployment and ease of integration offered by the corporate intranet, but without the complexity of traditional document management applications, according to the company.

"Traditional document management solutions have focused heavily on functional complexity, when users invariably just need to manage business information quickly, simply and effectively," commented PeopleDoc Sales & Marketing Director, Henrik Albertsen. "PeopleDoc™ offers just that - fast, straightforward and effective management of the corporate knowledge base, utilising future-proof, internetworking technology as a means to that end – not as the end itself," he added.

"PeopleDoc is committed to delivering high technology, straightforward and efficient document management solutions that both manage and enhance the access and usability of information within an organisation. We’ve deliberately focused on personal interaction with our software and how it is managed and used by people in the document management function – hence the name PeopleDoc," continued Albertsen.

PeopleDoc claims it is the first company to effectively harness Java technology for the client as well as for the server application in order to deliver a fully functional document management solution. With a browser-based front-end interface, all of the features of PeopleDoc™ are accessible from anywhere within a networked organisation, with the minimum of user effort.


For More Information Contact:

CIOPS Australia Pty Ltd
Level 4 Toowong Terraces, 31 Sherwood Road, PO Box 1140, Toowong QLD 4066, Australia
Tel: 61-7-3870 7555
FAX: 61-7-3870 9260



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