Strategy © Copyrigiht of QI Pty Ltd - 'QI' pronounced as Chinese "Qi" meaning 'Inner Energy'

  QI proprietary limited  .  .  .  .   an emerging energy resources company  .  .  . 



Corporate Strategy  


QI proprietary limited's Corporate Strategy is to exploit the knowledge and expertise of its team of globally experienced oil and gas professionals.

u    The team will initially identify the assets and then develop a commercial optimisation plan. 
u This plan will maximize the asset value and so effectively and quickly enhance the value of the acquired asset. 

QI proprietary limited sees it strengths in indentifying quality exploration and development assets and in working with experienced partners to develop and commercialise assets in which interests are acquired.

It is recognised that an operator must have an experienced team of professionals to efficiently and commercially develop oil and gas assets therefore QI prefers not to be the operator of identified assets.

This approach ensures that QI proprietary limited's international exploration assets are promptly farmed out to experienced operators and any farm-in options are generally minority stakes requiring capital and commercial experience.

QI proprietary limited will use the team experience and the latest technology to locate areas of high prospective oil and gas potential to:

u Acquire exploration rights over these areas  
u Oversee early phases of acquisition and planning  
u Identify higher risk reward prospects for long term reward
u Focus on 'lower risk' prospects close to production areas
u Identify low risk prospects that will provide for early cash flow
u Farm out assets to experienced operators
u Work with new partners who seek to be operators of assets


This approach provides the option for maximum revenue by risk sharing across multiple projects.



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